My biggest influences outside of the fantasy genre is that of history. My main focus in college was Asian History. I even had an Asian Studies minor to my History major to that effect. I learned a lot about Asian philosophy and culture in those years in college. I understood that one of the cornerstones of the East Asian culture is that of the teachings of Confucius. Be it obligations, filial piety, or day to day relationships. These differences in how Asians see the world and interact with it. Confucius (551-449 BC), was a Chinese intellectual and philosopher whose philosophy of fitting things into the proper place crafted the basis for China as well as many Asian cultures. He crafted an idea of meritocracy that would create the Exam Systems in China. Confucian ideals included justice, benevolence, knowledge, and integrity. As well as that a good ruler will have good people serving under him and vice versa. These ideas were important when crafting the 'Asian Influence' culture of the Omi Islands. I changed Confucius to Onfu who was an Imagient to be more akin to the inhabitants. Unlike Confucius Onfu was a martial artist practitioner. However, Onfu much like Confucius believed that knowledge and wisdom not might was right. Onfu alludes to Confucius and is the moral and society pillar to Omi society and culture. Onfu ideals mirror Confucian ones, and Onfu himself considered himself a pupil of Confucius despite not being born in the same era or same planet. Onfu was an Imagient who lived in the Imagience and just took Confucian ideals and made them more palatable to Imagients for who power was everything. The Omi Islands, also known as the Ryukyosho Islands at an earlier time were the one area where these ideals were supplanted the most. Although, the first Sycamor Dynasty as well as the Zulgan City States also adhere to Onfu ideals. It was in this environment that Tsunade Liang, known as Tsuna Liang was born into. She was given a martial artist education by her mother, Tsuki Liang, and an Onfu education by her uncle Saitoshi Omi. Despite her upbringing Tsuna was enthralled by the tales of warrior princesses of the old. She wanted to be the hero, and when she entered her teenage years she rebelled against many of the ideas that held up the Onfu principles she was taught. For instance Tsuna rebels against her family and her position as a princess and flees Ondai-Yo to go on a journey to find the Sycamor heir. She does not respect her families wishes to marry, and always duels her suitors and defeats them. Tsuna gets in fights with her mother and father, but mostly with her mother. She rebels against the notion that princesses should stay in their castles and wait to be wed off. Tsuna wants to be the hero, the rebel, and the savior. She doesn't wait for anyone. She doesn't adhere to the idea that princesses should be idle. She is very dynamic in her ideas, and wants to be the force of change in the Omi Empire that she admires. Her rebelling however is interesting, because it is mostly due to her belief in Onfu meritocracy. She believes that she must prove herself by her own abilities not by her own families ties and power. Her honor is on the line when she does these escapes, not her familaies. This adheres to another belief that she has in that the Omi Empire is corrupt. Sakai Omi is a bad ruler, so he has rebels, fights, and prolonged wars therefore it is up to the virtuous to strike out against her. In going on her quest to find the Sycamor heir and supplant her family. Despite her reckless endeavors, she is quite the disciple of Onfu doctrine as well. Not only is she rebelling because she believes the Omi need to be overthrown, she herself has many qualities needed of an Onfu princess. She idealizes justice, at least her own idea of it. She is good mannered and tries to spread good will as she saves people and believes that since she is a princess she should save people. She shows benevolence, the thrill of knowledge since she goes on a quest to a library to find out more information. She also bluntly tells people her goals, which is to find the Sycamor heir. She shows integrity in her stride. So even though she does very rebellious things, she still has hints of that Onfu upbringing. However, she is a good example of a rebel within a society that shuns rebels. Tsuna is the nail that sticks up and people in her own culture want to hammer her down. She however is a vigilant as a flowing river and as powerful as a waterfall. She will curtail to no one who gets in the way of her being a hero and savior. She however, might not be up to task, as she is not the most responsible of princesses. That is why it is good to have someone in her life like Leonli who is. Tsuna is not an Asian, she is from a culture that is 'Asian-influenced'. She is a strong protagonist that goes on a journey to fix the problems in her culture and country. Tsuna travels through enemy territory to find the heir of a dead kingdom and find knowledge of their whereabouts. In a way Tsuna is on her very own 'Journey to the West', and instead of a monkey she has a blacksmith, his aide and an assassin to back her up. She is the rebel princess of this tale, and she isn't just rebelling against her family, she is rebelling against the Confucian ideals that she was taught. Tsuna is the 'Rebel Confucian Princess.” She is also the Princess from the East.
If you have been reading this blog you might wonder whom this fellow named Taisha Taika is? He is a character in the history of the Imagience, and of the Imagient's birth planet of Neona. His is a tale of prejudice, injustice, genocide, expansion, and vision. How one man, or rather one Imagient led just 1000 Imagients from Neona to the Xian's portaxes, and then finally to the Imagience. Where he would then fight against Imagients, and mianthi and create the first Imagient Kingdom in the Imagience. If you use the BCC/BOC Before Cyph Cycle/ Before Omi Cycle calendar, 2055 years before the start of those calendars is when his tale begins. Taisha Taika was born to a traveling group of Jomon hunter/gatherers in what is northern Honshuu, Japan on Neona. His father and mother were hunter/leather-makers respectively. In his early life, his tribe would often take from the salmon that would come in seasonally into the northern rivers. His clan known as the Sake clan and primarily were known in the region for their production of fish, hunting of boars, and many other regional foods items. Eventually, the clan would fuse with a few local clans to create the solitary village known today as Sannai-Maruyama site. The site grew in power and reknown and in early adulthood little Taisha Taika known then as Chisaka (or little fish) became a fisherman as the site became known for it's fisheries during this time. The superstitious nature of the Jomon culture, and the animistic religions created an atmosphere that detested magic. It was here that many anti-magic sacrifices to appease the Jomon agricultural gods happened. Taisha Taika lost his mother and father for being accused of being witches, in fact they were Imagients. Taisha Taika and a few others who were just learning about their abilities fled the site and went inland. There they returned to their hunter/gatherer lifestyle of their youths. Eventually they made it to Kyushuu and recruited even more allies, whom were Imagients. It was here that Taisha Taika married the one named Onyaku no Sonna, who was in fact a Mumon priestess. According to legend she had the ability to find Imagients, unlock their abilities, and summon them to her. It is her, who also gave Chisaka the name Taisha Taika which translates to 'Is That You My Love”. It was during this time that many Imagients were being hunted as were mages by non-Imagient humans. This was known as the 'Imagient culling' Bronze age witch hunters known as “Nuwa Lieren” hunted Imagients down. This was most because the Xia Emperor both believed that Imagients caused the floods in China, but also to use them for his own means in expansion. Taisha Taika would for the next ten years fight the Xia Empire and gain Imagient allies from all across the world. Many times Taisha Taika would ask Onyaku no Sonna for specific Imagitechs so many in his rebel army were not just Asians, but many Aboriginals from Australia, North and South America, Africans, Egyptians, Middle Easterners, and Europeons. This rag tag army would fight the Xia Empire for the next ten years. Taisha Taika would have three children with Onyaku no Sonna, two boys and a girl. Then after the ten year fight, Onyaku no Sonna would pass away due to disease. Seeing there was no winning. Taisa Taika heard rumors about portals called portaxes. So, he rounded up around a couple thousand Imagients and returned to the Japanese Islands to a portax that existed, the only other one he knew of was near Zhenxun the capitol of the Xia Empire at the time. Believing that the Japanese Islands would be an easier way to escape, he led his several thousand forces over the next two years hunting and gathering along the way to the portax located north of modern day Tokyo. He would then take his armies and civilians which included many non-Imagients at this time, and many half-breeds to the Portax Station. The portax was gaurded by just ten Xian guards, and according to Xian accounts the Imagients assaulted their camp and killed all of the Xian's except two. One of them was forced by mind control to open up the portax and the Imagients were brought through. Once in they seemingly killed the Xian, but in fact he was not killed and would live on to become an anti-war and pro-open portax supporter named Init'alwo. The other Imagients entered Portax Station and were assaulted by Xian soldiers. More than half of the Imagients would die in fighting that took less than three days in Portax Station. The Xians then decided to trap the Imagients into one of the portaxes to the Imagience. This is because at the time the Xians were fighting a war with the mianthi spacial empire, The Ludrea Greadiosi, and thought that the Imagience was their base, not knowing that the two places were mutually exclusive. The Imagients were trapped into the Imagience where they would for the most part stay. Unbeknost to the Xians some Imagients escaped into multiple smaller groups and fled to other world as well. Primarily to Mithrenok and Avesauria, some even fled back to Neona. Once at the Imagience, Taisha Taika and his army would establish the city of Omar, which is the oldest Imagient city in the Imagience in the Red Wastes. Their they made oasis and farmed fruits and herded animals that they brought with them including deer, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Taisha Taika became their leader and for a time peace existed. Taisha Taika was said to be immortal, or at least his legend speaks to that. Some have said because he might have been half-mianthi while others have stated that in fact he had an Imagient tech that stopped aging. He also was said to have an imagientech that healed wounds and could cure disease. Omar would be found around 1980 BCC, and over the next fify years his borders would grow eventually creating an alliance with the desert mianthi kingdom of Shaol Luow. During this time Taisha Taika would marry many women and concieve many children. He is the first record use of polygamy, and his many waves had many husbands as well, promoting polygymy as well. This created distinct and diverse bloodlines. In addition rules about incest were created stated that taking mianthi was far more profitable crating hybrids. This action caused the Tulan dynasty around 1970 BCC to declare war against Omar. The war was over in two years as the Imagients invaded their cities of Tush Par and Gulon renaming the former to Nymphos due to the oasis there that was inhabitated by slave nymphs which Taisha Taika rescued. It is said that he gave the nymphs as brides to his sons, and to his daughters and took the fairest one for himself. In 1964 BCC, Xians invaded the Imagience and an alliance between Shaol Luow and Omar continued. The Xian city of Xyuthor was founded to protect The Great Portax. Alternatively the Imagients just headed north to the coast and founded many fishing villages. He then decided to expand along the north past the Numarian peninsula at the borders of the Madi'lio Republic. He would expand into the Ero peninsula and eventually, one of his sons would create the port town called Eron, that will eventually be known as Eros. During this time, Taisha Taika helped push agricultural reforms and constructed acquducts to allow water to irrigate the isolated desert homes in the northern part of the White Sands and for the various burgeoning colones on the coast. From 1963-1954 BCC, the Imagients did not conquer much land instead they created agricultural expansion to feed their people. The armies learned mianthi languages, and many alligned with the Shaol Luow Kingdom in trade. It was there that the Imagients learned about their mercantile economic system, and the Imagients themselves were mostly bartering with hunter/gathering societies. This created an economic boost which increased the wealth and prestige of the Imagient societies. Then around 1954 BCC raids from the Madisii Woods created a casus belli for Taisha Taika to raid the north. He famously burned down a good portion of the woods around Madonsin, the mianthi city that was at the seat of the Madi'lio Republic. His sons would found two cities Maring and Sutton. Which would be the foundation myths for the Suttonite Kingdom years later. By 1950 BCC, the Madi'lio Republic lost it's power and the region was annexed into what was know known as the Empire of Taisha Taika. He then expanded northwords taking the Red Wastes and it's iron deposits. Then he moved taking out the mianthi colonies of the much more powerful Celain Kingdom to the north and opposite of the Mein peninsula. Instead of engaging them directly he went north and with the help of his general Liang Ryukusho took the Ryuko Islands and would create a navy, increase fish and rice production and continue to raid the Celain Kingdom. In 1945, the Celain Kingdom signed a truce with the Imagients. In just forty years the Imagients had quickly expanded and their martial and military prowess became well known as a threat to the other mianthi kingdoms. Except for the Shaol who had profited from their expansion. In 1940 talks broke down between the Celain Kingdom and the Empire of Taisha Taika, and a new ten year long struggle would begin. This would erupt into one of the most long and dreaded wars in Imagience history. Many folk tales on both sides, and many heroes rose to fame. Taisha Taika became more inactive in the fighting and instead his sons would compete for taking more land from the mianthi. The Celain Kingdom would fall in 1930 BCC and half of it's civilians would flee to various other mianthi kingdoms mostly to the Xand'al Kingdom and the Gamsaier Empire. For the next twenty years of Taisha Taika's reign expansion to the Safir River and creating cities and industry as well as agriculture became the most important policies In year 1925 BCC, Taisha would move his capitol to Makyr along the border between the Xandrosi woods and the mouth of the Suran Rivers, along the lake of Putran, and between a well establish trading post. Makyr would eventually be changed to Meekyr generations later. Makyr would be his last residence, in 1920 BCC, Taisha Taika would die. Creating a civil war among other problems that would splinter his kingdom between his 26 sons and 14 daughters, multitude of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Although, his son Tairan would continue his legacy. His expansion would halt for a few more generations. Fighting amonst one another as well as mianthi incursions would halt further imperial desires for quite sometime. The fight was mostly between his family and those who were his most trained soldiers and allies. It would erupt in a war that would end the Shaol alliance and eventually into the segregation of the eventually to be called Omi Isles. It wouldn't be until one of his great-great-great-great grandchildren Philas the Great in 1700 BCC before expansion would continue. Eventually, he would be raised as a gaurdian hero and become enshrined as a god of the Ancesteral religions of the Imagients. He was a folk hero and a great leader to the Imagients. To the mianthi he was an expansionist and a tyrant. However, few can deny his presence in the Imagience. Book time line
Cycle Cycle and Omi Cycle = CC OC BCC- Before Cyph Cycle 9,055 BCC - Taisha Taika's leads Imagients into the Imagience. He forms the first Imagient dominant kingdom in the Imagience. 6 BCC- Zaynar Cyph is born. 4 BCC- William Vilheim Cyph is born. 0 CC/OC- Erik Van Cyph betrays his King Quinton Sycamor II along with Gabin Sheridan kills him in cold blood. The first Sycamor Dynasty falls. They burn down the capitol and kill all the Sheridan and Sycamor family members. Sakai Omi declares himself emperor of the Omi Islands, forms the Omi Empire. Supposedly the Sycamor heir escapes the burning city of Sycamor and folk tales spring up about him. 6 CC/OC- Prince Richard Cyph is born. 10 CC/OC- Erik Van Cyph begins his expansion and defeats the Garfield, Andersona, Grissite, Wilsona, and various other central plains factions. Sakai Omi defeats his enemies in the Omi Islands and marries his daughter to the Liang creating an alliance and shift of power. 12 CC/OC- Great Southland Kingdom of Kirkia cites casus belli against Erik Van Cyph, stating he has broken his promise to defend Sycamor, the Cyphic-Kirkian War begins. 14 CC/OC- The Cyphic-Kirkian War begins, Kirkia remains independent. Cyph attempts to expand southwest into Sutite who are still loyal to Sycamor. 15 CC/OC- The Omi invade the western coast of the Cyphic Kingdom and take port cities. The Cyphic- Omi War begins. The Zulgan City states open borders to the Cyphic Kingdom. 18 CC/OC- The Omi and Cyph sign a peace treaty, but the peace is not expected to last long as both forces have a proxy war with the Sutite forces creating a divide between two factions in a civil war. Mysterious Omi princess attempts to go through Cyphic on a journey of some sorts. She is heralded as a folk hero. Is captured by a young William Cyph, but is rescued by Brotherhood of Brotherton members. 19 CC/OC- Tsuna Liang once again attempts to head to Myvandium on a journey, she is captured by Nubyar pirates and is returned home. 20 CC/OC- Tsuna Liang for a third time attempts to head to Myvandium via a Cyphic route. Demon activity in the Imagience is at an all time high. This is a lore timeline made to help direct me and some of my beta readers in the events that will take place in the Imagient King book series. This is pretty much summed up in the first chapter, but if someone wants some sort of tool, this is the best I have at the moment. I might add to this before and after. I have a master timeline that uses a different calendar system. I am not going to post that, because it is a bit more confusing. Cyph Cycle and Omi Cycle are the two types of calendar years used in the Imagience during this time. The Omi and Cyph Cycle pretty much mean the beginning of those kingdoms and the end of Sycamor. It isn't that hard to see. This has Tsuna's various journeys s well as some battles and even some more important events. This does ask a serious question, then what did the Scyamor dynasty use for their calendar year? The Sycamor actually used the Taisha Taika calendar year. Their year 0 would be year 9,550. Since the Imagients deal with mianthi who can live for quite a long time, such a large number meant nothing to many Imagients. Since the Sycamor were about continuing the legacy of Taisha Taika, and since the Sycamor also have Taisha Taika's blood supposedly it would make sense that they would continue his calendar. The mianthi have used their own calendar, but I really don't have that in stone yet. Since I won't be dealing with the mianthi until the second book, I think I can wait. Also since the mianthi live as long as they do I don't think I want to care too much about giving them a timeline, since for immortal beings or at least long lived beings such as them, what is time to them exactly? I will be working on various different lore posts for the rest of December. Think of it as some sort of Christmas present. I'm still working on the second draft, so it will be released sometime in the near future for beta readers to look at. |
AuthorA.L. Hornbeck, historian, author, metalhead, and all around geek. Archives
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